In three days please plan on attending the WV Craft and Vendor Fair on Saturday October 23rd starting at 8 am to 3 pm. We have almost 50 vendors selling a wide variety of items for gifts, holiday activities and home use. Come and shop now; beat the crowds and shortages of gifts during the holidays. Free admittance!!
Junior and Senior Parents-
Please join us tomorrow for a great presentation by Janel Sutter from MCC about the ins and outs of FAFSA. This is a great presentation on what both you and your will need to know in preparation to fill out the FAFSA. They also share some AMAZING tips to applying for scholarships.
Even if you don't plan to attend MCC next year, you can still attend and get some valuable information!
Please let me know if you have any questions!!
Mrs. Chisum
Here is the athletics info for the week.
The Freshman Class will be running a Twice Nice Clothing Boutique during the Weldon Valley Craft Fair on 10/23 starting at 8 am. Come and shop name brands at an incredible prices of $10 and under!
Please mark your calendar to attend the WV Craft and Vendor Fair on Saturday October 23rd starting at 8 am to 3 pm. We have almost 50 vendors selling a wide variety of items for gifts, holiday activities and home use. Come and shop now; beat the crowds and shortages of gifts during the holidays. Free admittance!!
On Wednesdays Warriors Wear Pink!!! But, also on this Monday 10-18-21 please deck your student's out in PINK in support of breast cancer and our very own warrior Ms. Payne!
Ms. Payne has been diagnosed with stage II breast cancer and will undergo surgery in a few weeks. Weldon Valley has started a t-shirt fundraiser for her. 100% of the proceeds will be given to Ms. Payne to help with whatever burdens lie ahead. Please see the attached flyer for more information and details how to order your shirts! Let's remind Ms Payne what being a warrior is all about!!! THE POWER OF PAYNE!
Parent Teacher Conferences are coming! Mark your calendars for October 19th and 21st from 5pm-8pm. We encourage all parents to stop by! It has such a positive impact on your student’s education and reminds them we are all a team and working together for their success! See you next week!
Delicious and educational science projects.
Calling all SENIORS!
Don't forget that your Josten's orders are due by Thursday, October 21st. Online orders are strongly encouraged, but you can also pay with cash or check. Please return any cash or check orders to me.
Have a great week and GO WARRIORS!!
Mrs. Chisum
Here is the athletics information for the week. Please note that there have been a few changes from the original schedules.
The Junior High Volleyball Match with Pawnee has been moved to Monday at 4pm. A and B will be travelling. Volleyball girls, please bring your uniforms to school on Monday. You will be excused at 2:15. Please text your group chat so that everyone has their uniforms on Monday
Tonight is our Zoom meeting for 2023 travel!
Register here to stay in the loop!
Zoom meeting - 7pm!
Topic: Austria, Germany, & Switzerland!
Time: Oct 7, 2021 07:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 832 9007 1306
Passcode: LjK8sT
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Meeting ID: 832 9007 1306
Passcode: 712213
Parents of 8th - 11th graders! A Zoom meeting will be held this Thursday, October 7th at 7pm for information on the 2023 Tour of Austria, Germany, & Switzerland!
Register here:
Thank you Wiggins Fire Dept for the visit today.
Here is the information for athletics for the week.
October menu's & news is here! Just click these links to see what's happening at Weldon Valley! The Lunch Menu can be seen here-> The next link will get you a letter from Mr. Bauman -> and click these two links to see what's going on at the pre-school ->
Mrs. Heid’s crop class came to our 5th grade science class to discuss and apply some learned concepts and vocabulary. The high school students did a great job leading the discussion with the groups. We finished with a game made by the high school students on Kahoot!
📣 Meeting tonight in room 135!
Due to JH Volleyball, we will start a little after 6pm. 8th - 11th graders and parents welcome! RSVP here for more info:
Preschool has had a great start to the school year!! We have had two visitors in our classroom- LynnDee Kohler the Fort Morgan Children's Librarian and Deputy Hernandez from the Fort Morgan Police Department. The children loved the book and activity that LynnDee brought and were super excited to set in Deputy Hernandez's Police car!!! She even brought us cookies and badges!!
Reminder for the informational meeting this Wednesday at 6pm for any interested student in grades 8-11!
RSVP here for more info: