Fall sports schedules have been updated and are posted on the website under the current sports schedule tab. Here is the link as well. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1O_Hj8m24Rh0rGTxCii3zQ2LrWF_9dWEn3eP9kNspybg/edit?usp=sharing This the start of a new two year cycle, so locations and opponents will have changed from last year. This is an odd year with the way the calendar falls, so everything is a week later than last year, for example, the state volleyball tournament is a week later than it was last season. Fall Sports practices begin on Monday, August 12th. Just a reminder that all athletes, Junior High and High School must have a current sports physical. ProActive will be at registration on August 5th offering physicals for $40. We hope everyone is having a great summer and excited for the start of a new year!
3 months ago, Greg Edson
Last month five FFA members assisted the MCREA with serving food during their Annual Member Picnic. Weldon Valley FFA members worked with the Wiggins FFA to ensure the REA members had a speedy serving line.
3 months ago, Cara Heid
Five FFA members standing infront of a REA truck.
FFA members serving food for the member picnic.
Group of FFA members standing ready to serve food for the meeting.
FFA member getting ready to serve food.
Last week the Weldon Valley FFA Chapter sent two FFA members to attend the Washington Leadership Conference in Washington D.C. Kyra and Ellie both attended numerous workshop sessions as well as toured several National Monuments and the Nation's Capitol.
3 months ago, Cara Heid
FFA members and Advisor standing in front of the National Capitol
FFA members standing by the Colorado statute in the Capitol.
FFA members standing in front of the Reflection Pool at the National Mall
FFA members standing in front of the Smithsonian National Zoo.
Starting Monday- 7/15, CDOT will be closing Hwy 144. This closure will be at the inter section of Rd 12 (Long Bridge Road) to work on Narrows Bridge. You must take an alternative route - CDOT suggests taking I-76 to Wiggins and backtracking on Hwy 39, which adds about 15 miles to your trip so please plan accordingly for additional travel time. This project is scheduled to take place over the next 1.5 months. CDOT will also be working on the Bijou Bridge at the same time, this bridge will have a temporary signal to control traffic in a single lane. However- you won't get far, as the road will be completely closed at the Rd 12 and Hwy 144 intersection. Please travel safe!
4 months ago, Lacey Starner
Back to School Sales will begin soon! Check out the supply list for 24-25 right there --> https://5il.co/2qc8v Parents, while you're shopping, please keep in mind there is a dress code at Weldon Valley- shorts must have an IN-seam of 5 inches or longer, bellies must be covered, and straps on tank tops/dresses must be 2” or wider. Have a fun & safe rest of your summer! See you all August 5th for registration!
4 months ago, Lacey Starner
Just a reminder those kiddos interested in SPYFL football this fall- registration is today from 5-7pm at the Sterling High School for grades 3-6. See you in Sterling!
4 months ago, Lacey Starner
Here are some final group photos of our Weldon Valley travelers. We'd like to thank Larry Alexander for his expertise as our guide and Passports travel company for their support. Katy and Dale have been wonderful support from Passports and their owner David Markel for greeting us in Paris. We celebrated a birthday, an anniversary, and a special trip we will always remember.
4 months ago, Mike Schmeeckle
Eva's t
Today is our last day in Paris as we are headed back home tomorrow. What a beautiful day with our trip to the countryside and our visit to Versailles. After our visit we headed back to Paris and we were able to see the progress on Notre Dame. After some shopping we had a lovely farewell dinner. We're sad to leave but happy to be coming back home to see our loved ones again.
4 months ago, Mike Schmeeckle
Today our international group went on a walking tour of Paris. After that, the world famous Louvre. Seeing the Mona Lisa is quite the challenge, but some of us made it to the front. We also got to see two other great works of art, the Venus and Greek dude taking a selfie. Another great day that will end with a dinner cruise on the Seine.
4 months ago, Mike Schmeeckle
Well the international travelers have arrived in Paris. Earlier in the day we stopped at a beautiful church then we made our way to Paris. After meeting the owner of our tour company, Passports, we had French Duck with crème brûlée for dessert. Our evening was spent ascending the Eiffel Tower.
4 months ago, Mike Schmeeckle
The Weldon Valley travelers are still in France. Today we visited Chateau de Chenonceau. What an unbelievable experience and the gardens are amazing. Next we traveled to Amboise to see diVinci's final home. This part of southern France is a must see experience. Tomorrow we are headed to Paris.
4 months ago, Mike Schmeeckle
The Weldon Valley international travelers visited Le Mont-Saint Michel Abbey. This is a UNESCO World Heritage Site that is unbelievable. Yes, we all climbed up the steps and marveled at this Medieval abbey.
4 months ago, Mike Schmeeckle
Today the international travelers from Weldon Valley visited Omaha Beach in Normandy. What a moving experience. Tonight we are in St Malo enjoying a fabulous meal. Dessert tonight was Baked Alaska.
4 months ago, Mike Schmeeckle
The Weldon Valley travelers have arrived in London. Here is the group from a couple of days ago in front of Buckingham Palace.
4 months ago, Mike Schmeeckle
Want to watch the magic unfold this summer, here at Weldon Valley? Just click this link to watch the action LIVE or you can also click at the top left for a fun time-lapse! https://app.oxblue.com/open/neenan/weldonvalley
5 months ago, Lacey Starner
Our FFA Chapter had a successful week at State FFA Convention. Six members represented the chapter at various events. Five members received their FFA State Degree. Josh & Zander won their Agriscience category which moves them into competition at the National FFA level!
5 months ago, Cara Heid
Two members on stage receiving the state level award.
Five FFA members who received their FFA State Degree stand by our chapter sign.
Six FFA members who presented our chapter at State FFA Convention
We are still looking for a few more players to complete the teams for this Fall. Please contact Eva or Kyle if your students are interested in playing!
5 months ago, Warriors Athletics
Just a reminder- School is being released at 2pm today! Have a great and safe summer! See you August 5th for registration!
5 months ago, Lacey Starner
Good Evening. As we turned in Chromebooks today, there were several students who did not bring chargers. Please talk to your students tonight, if they did not turn in their chargers there is a $20 fee if they do not bring them in tomorrow. All fees must be paid before students can check out tomorrow. If there are textbook fees or tech fees, they must be paid before checkout tomorrow. Thank you
5 months ago, Warriors Athletics
Things are moving right along and construction is in full swing! This is just a little note to let everyone know our parking lot will be inaccessible starting Tuesday, May 28th. If you have open gym or an event scheduled, please be sure to park on the side or at the back of the school. Thanks and Happy Summer!
5 months ago, Lacey Starner